11 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies
Imagine the joy of getting a new cat. How do you feel? Great, right? If you already haven’t had a cat, you have to consider the possibility of constant sneezing, itchy eyes, or even hives. The joy of getting a new cat becomes fade the moment you think of dealing with cat allergies.
Yet, the thought of never having the chance to enjoy the purr of a kitty on your lap seems to be a far worse scenario. As you grapple with this dilemma, you might find yourself pondering a question, Which cats are hypoallergenic?
Well, before diving deep into the topic, it’s crucial to understand what actually triggers these allergies. Is it the cat’s hair, or is there something more subtle at play? Often, people assume that cat hair is the primary culprit. While that’s part of the story, it’s not the whole picture.
Now, coming to the million-dollar question: Is there really such a thing as a hypoallergenic cat breed? The truth is, no cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic. However, some breeds are believed to produce fewer allergens than others, making them a more suitable choice for allergy sufferers.
The discussion around hypoallergenic dog breeds is commonplace, but what about cats? Let’s embark on the journey to uncover the best hypoallergenic cat breeds that could make your dream of pet ownership a reality without the pesky allergy symptoms.
Let’s dive deeper……..
What is a hypoallergenic cat, and what causes cat allergies?
Ever heard of cat breeds that are hypoallergenic? What are they? How do they become hypoallergic? The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) reveals that nearly three out of ten individuals with allergies in the U.S. are allergic to cats or dogs. Interestingly, cat allergies are about twice as prevalent as dog allergies.
A hypoallergenic cat doesn’t mean a cat that is completely devoid of allergens. Rather, these cats are known to produce fewer allergens that might cause allergic reactions. The true troublemaker here is not the fur, as many people mistakenly believe, but a specific protein called Fel d 1.
Fel d 1 is produced in a cat’s saliva and gets spread over their fur during grooming. When cats shed, this protein also gets dispersed through dander or dead skin. So, when people with allergies come into contact with these proteins in the cat’s fur, it triggers an allergic reaction.
This intriguing fact clarifies why having less fur on a cat doesn’t necessarily mean less of a reaction. It’s all about the proteins, not just the fur. These allergens can even linger on furniture and clothing, causing a reaction even if the cat isn’t around. Understanding what causes cat allergies and the role of hypoallergenic cats can help allergy sufferers make informed decisions about cat ownership.
So what is the most hypoallergenic cat, and where to get a hypoallergenic cat?
Here is a list of 11 hypoallergenic cat breeds
Table of Contents
1. Siberian

The Siberian cat breed hails from the frosty climate of Russia. These felines are adored not only for their playful personalities but also for various traits. While the dense triple coat might seem like a concern for allergy sufferers, it’s a blessing in disguise.
This lavish coat acts as a protective barrier, locking in dander and allergens and reducing their dispersal into the environment. Plus, Siberians are known to produce lower levels of the Fel d 1 protein, which significantly contributes to their hypoallergenic characteristics.
2. Siamese

Siamese cats are one of the most recognizable breeds with their distinctive color point patterns and striking blue eyes. Known for their cleanliness, Siamese cats are meticulous self-groomers.
This trait might help to minimize the distribution of dander. Siamese cats’ short, fine coats further help to contain the allergens, making them less likely to trigger allergic reactions in humans.
3. Bengal

With their leopard-like appearance, Bengal cats are truly a sight to behold. But it’s not just their looks that make them popular; Bengals have unique hypoallergenic properties. They possess a fine pelt that requires less grooming than other breeds.
Less grooming equates to less saliva and dander being spread around your home. Plus, their pelt-like coat doesn’t shed much, which means fewer allergens make their way into your environment.
4. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is an elegant breed admired for its short, plush, blue-gray coat. What makes this breed hypoallergenic is its dense double coat that effectively traps allergens, reducing their spread into the surroundings. Moreover, they’re believed to produce lower levels of allergenic proteins, making them a viable option for allergy sufferers.
5. Sphynx

The Sphynx is unique for its near hairlessness. The lack of a fur coat to trap allergens makes this breed an intriguing hypoallergenic choice. Furthermore, Sphynx cats require regular bathing to remove the oils that build up on their skin, which also helps keep dander and protein levels to a minimum.
6. Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats are cherished for their elfin looks and wavy, short coats. Less hair means fewer opportunities for allergens to disperse. Additionally, they require less grooming compared to most breeds, which decreases the spread of allergen-carrying saliva.
7. Cornish Rex

Much like their Devon cousins, Cornish Rex cats sport a short and curly coat. This breed also requires less grooming, which further minimizes the dispersion of allergens. Less hair and less grooming combine to make the Cornish Rex a good hypoallergenic choice.
8. Balinese

Often referred to as the long-haired Siamese, Balinese cats are one of the few long-haired breeds considered hypoallergenic. This is due to their unusually low production of the Fel d 1 protein. Despite their luscious locks, they’re less likely to trigger allergies, providing the best of both worlds, the beauty of a long-haired cat without the usual high allergenic properties.
9. Javanese

Javanese cats stand out due to their single layer of coat as opposed to the usual three. This means less fur and, as a consequence, less dander and fewer allergens being shed. Their vibrant personalities, coupled with their hypoallergenic characteristics, make them a popular choice among cat enthusiasts.
10. Oriental Shorthair

Oriental Shorthairs are known for their sleek appearance and fine, short coat. They don’t shed much, reducing the amount of dander and allergens in your home. This, combined with their quirky and playful personalities, makes Oriental Shorthairs a desirable breed for those with allergies.
11. Burmese

The Burmese breed, with their muscular build and short but thick coat, is beloved for their dog-like affectionate nature. Surprisingly, these cats are known to produce a lower amount of the Fel d 1 protein, making them a suitable choice for allergy sufferers. Despite their dense coats, they can be a delightful addition to any family, including those concerned about allergies.
While these breeds may exhibit hypoallergenic traits, it’s important to remember that no cat is 100% hypoallergenic. You can always spend time with a cat of the hypoallergenic breed to see if your allergies react before officially welcoming them into your home.
This hypoallergenic cat list will help you identify hypoallergenic cats before you befriend any of them.
Ways to reduce cat allergens in your home
Embracing a hypoallergenic cat breed is an excellent starting point for cat enthusiasts grappling with allergies. However, it’s also crucial to put in extra effort to reduce cat allergens in your home. Here are a few practical, research-backed strategies to create a more allergy-friendly environment:
Start by setting boundaries. It’s advisable to keep your cat out of your bedroom if possible. The bedroom should be a sanctuary where allergen exposure is minimal. Invest in quality pillows and mattress covers. They can act as a barrier, preventing allergens from settling in areas where you spend significant time.
Consider using covers for your couch and other upholstered furniture. This way, you can limit the areas where allergens can accumulate and easily clean these covers as needed. Evaluate the necessity of carpets in your home. Carpets can trap allergens, so reducing their presence or opting for hard flooring can help.
Enhancing ventilation is also crucial. Open windows when possible, or use High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters to purify the air. Regular cleaning is essential. Aim to clean your house weekly to manage dander and fur buildup effectively.
Remember, hypoallergenic cats can greatly vary, and no breed guarantees a completely allergen-free experience. It’s important to consider cats with minimal shedding and low grooming needs, but ultimately, knowing your allergies and reactions will guide you in the right direction. Test the waters by spending time with the breed before bringing them into your home, and create an environment that minimizes allergens for harmonious cohabitation.
Wrapping up
In conclusion, while no cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic, there are several cat breeds, like the Siberian, Siamese, Bengal, and Russian Blue, among others, that are renowned for producing fewer allergens. These hypoallergenic cats can be a blessing for those grappling with allergies yet yearning for a feline companion.
It’s crucial to understand that allergens are tied to proteins produced by cats, not merely their fur. Additionally, it’s worth taking extra measures at home to minimize the presence of allergens. While hypoallergenic cats can significantly reduce allergy symptoms, remember to spend time with any prospective feline friend to ensure your allergies do not react adversely.
With years of experience as a cat parent and lover, I share my knowledge about felines with all cat parents out there. Having a cat is like having a baby, so it is crucial that you know how to take care of them the proper way. After all, cats make everything paws-itively better!