Why Do Cats Bury Their Food? 4 Reasons You Should Know
Have you ever noticed your cat bury their food just like they do in their litter box? Do you think that this behavior of your feline is unusual? Why do they do it? Here we are with the answers to your questions.
Cats are fascinating creatures, and their behaviors often leave us with many questions. One of the most curious feline habits is burying their food. If you have ever seen a cat burying their food, you might wonder why they do it. Is it instinctive behavior, or is there a reason behind it?
The truth is that cats bury their food for several reasons. The first reason is that they are hard-wired to do so. In the wild, cats are predators and often hunt for their food. They bury their uneaten prey to hide the scent from other predators to avoid drawing attention to themselves or their food source.
Even though domestic cats don’t need to worry about other predators, they still have the instinct to bury their food.
Take a look at the real reasons behind their food-burying nature:
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1. Instinctual behavior
Cats are instinctual hunters, and their behavior of burying their food is an instinct that stems from their wild ancestors. In the wild, cats often hunt and kill more prey than they can eat at once, and burying the uneaten prey helps to hide the scent and avoid drawing attention to themselves.
This behavior has been passed down through generations; even domesticated cats still have this instinct. Even if a domestic cat has a steady food source, the instinct to bury it remains strong. Additionally, cats are creatures of habit, and once they start burying their food, it can become a regular part of their routine.
The instinctual behavior of burying their food is deeply rooted in cats’ natural hunting and survival instincts. Burying their food also protects it from other animals, insects, and elements such as rain or snow. This can help ensure they have access to a food source even in adverse conditions.
2. Cleanliness
Cats are naturally clean animals, and their behavior of burying their food is closely tied to their instinct to keep their surroundings tidy. By burying their food, they keep their feeding area clean and free from debris and odors. This behavior can be essential for cats living in the wild or outdoor environments where other animals and insects may compete for food.
In addition, burying their food can help to prevent the spread of bacteria and other pathogens that may be present in the environment. Domestic cats’ instinct to bury their food may also be related to their desire for a clean-living space. Overall, the behavior of burying their food is just one example of how cats’ instincts impact their daily behavior.
3. Hiding from other cats
Cats can be territorial animals and may feel the need to protect their resources, including food. Some cats may bury their food to hide it from other cats in the household. This is especially true in multi-cat families, where cats may compete for limited resources. By burying their food, a cat may be trying to prevent other cats from eating it, or they may be trying to save it for later when they are hungry again.
This behavior can also be seen in feral cats, who may need to compete for food with other cats in their environment. In these cases, burying their food can be a way to protect their resources and ensure that they have access to food when they need it.
4. The cat is stressed
Cats can be sensitive animals, and they may display unusual behaviors when they are stressed or anxious. One such behavior is burying their food. When a cat is feeling stressed, they may show various symptoms, including changes in appetite and eating habits. Burying their food can be a way for them to cope with their stress or anxiety. It can be a way for them to feel more in control of their environment and resources.
In some cases, cats may even bury their food as self-soothing behavior, similar to how some humans might engage in activities like cleaning or organizing when stressed. If a cat consistently buries their food, it may be a sign that they are feeling anxious or uncomfortable in its environment. In these cases, it may be helpful to consult with a veterinarian or a cat behaviorist to determine the underlying cause of the behavior and how to address it.
Also, if a cat is not hungry, they may bury their food for later consumption. This behavior is prevalent in feral cats, who may not have access to a steady food source. Burying their food can also be seen as a way to mimic the hunting behavior of their wild ancestors. This can also help stimulate their instincts and keep them mentally and physically active.
Burying their food can provide comfort and security for some cats. It can be a way for them to feel more in control of their environment and to create a sense of home in their living space. If you have a cat that is new to the environment, it might bury its food until feels secure.
Food covering is called “caching,” and mother cats can do it for their kittens.

When mother cats engage in burying their food, they do so for different reasons than adult cats. When a mother cat has young kittens, she may bury her food to prevent attracting unwanted attention from predators. Additionally, mother cats may bury their food to keep their den clean and free from debris, which helps to keep their kittens safe and healthy.
Mother cats may also bury their food to teach their kittens how to hunt and forage for food. By showing their kittens how to hide and protect their food, mother cats are helping to develop essential skills that the kittens need to survive in the wild. This behavior is an integral part of the maternal instincts of mother cats and is critical to the health and survival of their offspring.
Cats are fascinating creatures with several unique and intriguing behaviors. The behavior of burying their food is just one of many fascinating and individual behaviors of cats. It offers insight into their instincts and behaviors and can provide important information about their health and well-being.
While this behavior is typically harmless and normal for cats, it is essential to pay attention to any changes or consistent patterns in their behavior, as this can be a sign of underlying health issues or discomfort. By understanding why cats bury their food, we can better appreciate and understand these fantastic animals.
With years of experience as a cat parent and lover, I share my knowledge about felines with all cat parents out there. Having a cat is like having a baby, so it is crucial that you know how to take care of them the proper way. After all, cats make everything paws-itively better!