Why Do Cats Play With Their Food? 4 Ways to Stop It!
Cats are known for their playful and curious nature, and their behavior towards their food is no exception. Many cat owners may observe their furry little feline companions playing with their food, tossing it around, batting it with their paws, or even hiding it under objects. This behavior may seem odd to us, but it is pretty common among cats, and there are several reasons why they engage in it.
Why do cats play with their food? Know the real reasons and measures to stop the behavior in this article. Some suggest that playing with food is an innate behavior that stems from a cat’s instincts as a predator. Cats can sharpen their hunting skills by playing with their prey and improving their ability to catch and kill their next meal.
Another theory suggests that playing with food is simply a form of entertainment for cats, as they enjoy the sensory stimulation of interacting with objects. Additionally, some cats may play with their food to express their dominance or assert their territorial boundaries. This behavior is widespread in multi-cat households, where resource competition is more intense.
While the reasons for this behavior may vary, cat owners must ensure that their feline companions still consume enough food to meet their nutritional needs and that their playtime with food does not become excessive or destructive.
Reasons why do cats play with their food?
Table of Contents
1. Instinctual behavior
Cats are natural predators, and their ancestors were hunters in the wild. It is believed that playing with their food is an instinctual behavior that comes from their predatory nature. By playing with their food, cats are able to hone their hunting skills and practice their instincts.
This is especially true for young kittens, who learn to hunt and capture prey through play. Playing with their food also helps cats to develop their coordination, balance, and agility, which are essential skills for catching their prey.
2. Playful nature
Playing with their food is just another form of play. Many cats enjoy batting their food, tossing it in the air, or pouncing on it. This play provides cats with mental and physical stimulation, which is essential for their overall health and well-being.
Playing with their food also allows cats to release pent-up energy and reduce stress, which is especially important for indoor cats who may not have as many opportunities to play and explore.
3. Dominance and territory
Cats are territorial animals who may play with their food to assert their dominance or mark their territory. This is especially true in multi-cat households, where cats may compete for resources. By playing with their food, cats may communicate their dominance to other cats in the household or mark their food as their own.
This behavior can be problematic if it leads to resource guarding or aggressive behavior towards other cats, so it is important for cat owners to monitor their cats’ behavior and provide enough resources to prevent competition.
4. Boredom and lack of stimulation
Cats are intelligent animals requiring mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and keep them engaged. Playing with their food can inspire cats, especially if they are fed the same food daily or have limited opportunities to play and explore.
However, if cats play with their food excessively or destructively, it may be a sign that they are not receiving enough stimulation in other areas of their lives. Cat owners should ensure that their cats have access to toys, scratching posts, and other forms of enrichment to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.
5. Sensory stimulation
Cats are highly sensory animals and enjoy exploring their environment through their senses. Playing with their food provides cats with sensory stimulation, allowing them to interact with different textures, shapes, and smells.
This is particularly true for cats who are fed dry kibble or other dry food, as these foods do not provide the same sensory experience as wet food. Playing with their food also allows cats to express their natural curiosity and explore their environment, which is essential for their mental and emotional well-being.
Do you need to be concerned about it?

While watching a cat batting a piece of kibble around can be amusing, some pet owners may be concerned about this behavior. Here are some reasons why you might want to be worried about cats playing with their food:
They are not eating
When a cat plays with their food, they may scatter it around their eating area or knock it off their dish and not eat it. If they don’t eat anything, just play with it; it might be a reason for concern.
Potential health issues
If a cat plays with their food for too long, it may become contaminated with bacteria. This can lead to digestive issues, such as vomiting or diarrhea. Additionally, if a cat eats food that has been sitting out for too long, it may also become contaminated with harmful bacteria.
Behavioral issues
Sometimes, playing with food can be a sign of a behavioral issue. If a cat is overly anxious or stressed, they may play with their food to alleviate their anxiety.
However, it’s worth noting that playing with food is a natural behavior for cats, and it’s not necessarily a cause for concern. As long as the cat is eating the food eventually and isn’t wasting too much of it, there’s likely no need to worry.
Four ways you can stop it

If you’re concerned about your cat playing with their food, there are some steps you can take to mitigate the behavior. For example, you could try feeding your cat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, which may reduce their desire to play with their food.
You could also try offering your cat puzzle feeders or other toys that can stimulate their natural hunting instincts without involving their food.
Use puzzle feeders
Using puzzle feeders is one way to stop cats from playing with their food. Puzzle feeders are toys or devices that require your cat to work for their food. They can help stimulate your cat’s natural hunting instincts while reducing the likelihood that they will play with their food.
Use a timed feeder
Another option to stop cats from playing with their food is to use a timed feeder. Timed feeders dispense food at specific intervals throughout the day, which can help to reduce the amount of time your cat spends playing with their food.
Stick to a feeding schedule
Cats thrive on routines, so it’s crucial to establish a regular feeding schedule. Try to feed your cat at the same time each day, and remove any uneaten food after 20-30 minutes. This can help to reduce the amount of time your cat spends playing with their food and can also help to prevent overeating.
Change the environment
Consider changing your cat’s feeding environment. If your cat is playing with their food because they’re bored or anxious, changing their environment can help to alleviate these feelings. Try feeding your cat in a different location or using another food dish. Add toys or treats to your cat’s feeding area to make mealtime more enjoyable.
Finally, If you’re concerned about your cat’s behavior or diet, consult your veterinarian for additional guidance.
Wrapping up
In conclusion, cats have the instinct to play with their food, which can result in food waste, mess, and potential health issues. While this behavior is natural, it’s essential to address it to ensure that your cat is getting the proper nutrition and to prevent any negative consequences.
By implementing the strategies stated above, you can help reduce the amount of time your cat spends playing with their food and ensure they get the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy.
It’s also important to remember that cats are individuals and what works for one cat may not work for another. If you’re struggling to stop your cat from playing with their food, don’t hesitate to consult with a veterinarian for additional guidance and support.
With years of experience as a cat parent and lover, I share my knowledge about felines with all cat parents out there. Having a cat is like having a baby, so it is crucial that you know how to take care of them the proper way. After all, cats make everything paws-itively better!